Estudio de evolución y maduración del ciruelo japonés mediante análisis hiperespectral y sistemas inteligentes. 

Proyecto IB16035.

Otros Resultados

MAENERGY: A tool for measuring and analyzing evolutionary algorithms energy consumption in mobile devices.


Energy consumption is a growing concern in our society. In the field of computing has been a problem studied since the appearance of large computing infrastructures. Nowadays, the energy study has also been transferred to smaller devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Among other advances improvements are being made in the algorithms that are executed in mobile devices that allow a better energy efficiency.

In this work we have focused on the study of Evolutionary Algorithms and how they can be improved to be more efficient from the point of view of energy savings. For this, we have focused on the use of genetic algorithms in mobile devices, thanks to their high capacities that they begin to incorporate, making it possible to execute more complex systems every time.

For a correct execution of this type of algorithms in mobile devices, we must know the energy consumption they perform, to adapt the tasks to the particular capabilities of the device where they are executed, hence the need to have a tool to measure this consumption of energy. In this document we present the first version of a tool that allows us to measure the consumption that a genetic algorithm performs when it is executed on a mobile device.


A Fuzzy Rule-Based System to predict energy consumption of Genetic Programming Algorithms


In recent years, the energy-awareness has become one of the most interesting areas in our environmentally conscious society. Algorithm designers have been part of this, particularly when dealing with networked devices and, mainly, when handheld ones are involved. Although studies in this area has increased, not many of them have focused on Evolutionary Algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, few attempts have been performed before for modeling their energy consumption considering different execution devices. In this work, we propose a fuzzy rulebased system to predict energy comsumption of a kind of Evolutionary Algorithm, Genetic Prohramming, given the device in wich it will be executed, its main parameters, and a measurement of the difficulty of the problem addressed. Experimental results performed show that the proposed model can predict energy consumption with very low error values.


Analyzing quality clarinet sound using deep learning. A preliminary study.



When a music student begins training, one of the main problems encountered is the proper understanding of specific terms that teachers introduce as a way of analyzing the type of sound produced by the student. The goal of a music teacher is that their students improve the quality of the sound they are emitting, but not in all cases students understand and know how to apply the concepts that the teacher wants the instrument to be able to emit the expected sound. Any tool that allows students to distinguish between sound quality would be helpful. The work presented here is a preliminary study of the quality of the sound emitted by a clarinet using deep learning techniques. It presents a first approximation of what will become a software tool that will allow music students to see that the sound quality they are emitting is correct and in real time. With this type of tools music students will be able to understand and associate the concepts explained by the teacher in a simpler way, and will even serve as a guide to improve their learning when the teacher is not present.


DOI: 10.1109/SSCI.2017.8285322




Involving local administrations in STEM promotion: how to extend STEM initiatives to a whole region.


This paper describes a novel initiative whose main goal is not only to encourage young students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); Although this is typically seen as the core of any STEM project, we aim at involving local administrations in the project, thus allowing to more easily disseminate and promote STEM areas among students' families and teachers. The central idea of our approach relies on involving local administrations, and making them allies for the project: they will not only help to disseminate information about the project in their local areas; they will also attract teachers to promote the activities within schools, and more importantly, when convinced of the need of the project, will provide fundings to hire specialized teachers in charge of developing a series of after school learning activities along the academic year. This way, every local administration becomes partner of the project, allowing to hire specific professionals from STEM areas instead of making the project to rely on volunteers. The methodology developed has allowed to reach 20 small towns in Extremadura, their local governments, teachers and families, with more than 400 students, some of them attending sessions for several years.


DOI: 10.1109/FIE.2017.8190726